New Business Formations

Starting or thinking of starting your own business? Don’t know where to begin? LBA Accountancy can help you with what structure is best for you, how to write your business plan, who to notify and what to do so that you can pursue your business ambitions.

Management Accounts

LBA Accountancy can deliver timely information which will help management assess the performance and profitability of the business. Variance analysis month on month as well comparisons against forecasted targets can also be prepared as part of an accompanying report.

VAT Returns

LBA Accountancy can help in all aspects of VAT, from registration, deregistration, ongoing compliance to filing your return. LBA Accountancy can provide you with solutions to ensure you MTD ready for April 2019.

Statutory Accounts

LBA Accountancy can prepare your financial statements complying with governing financial reporting and regulatory reporting requirements.

Business Planning

Do you have a decisions to make which you don’t know how will impact your performance in the future or how these decisions will impact financial as well as non-financial elements in your business? Are you weighing up feasibility of these decisions? LBA Accountancy can help provide you with forecasts, payback period calculations, scenario planning and advice on considerations that will help business planning.

Working Capital Cycle Review

LBA Accountancy can provide a review and detailed feedback on how your current working capital cycle is operating. It is a key driver for all businesses in order to operate efficiently, profitably and be cash generative. We will prepare a review and provide our findings as well as our recommendations on how your business can improve its working capital cycle.

Get Ready For Audit

Preparing for an Audit can be burden on your staff and take up time looking backwards when what you want to be doing is looking forward and spending your time on value added work. LBA Accountancy team has years of experience as a past auditor, can take that hassle away from you, prepare your audit file ready for review from your statutory auditors. This has been proven to drastically improve efficiency and free up yourself and your staff to concentrate on driving the business forward.

Financial Health Check

Are you happy that the financial controls that you have in place are rigorous and detect as well as prevent fraud and protect against risk? LBA Accountancy can provide you with a review of your financial system and provide you with recommendations and observations that can be used to implement controls and alert triggers.

Company Secretarial

LBA Accountancy can provide company secretarial assistance, whether it be forming and incorporating your business or delivering your financial statements to the registrar.


LBA Accountancy can help you in the preparation and processing of statutory deductions, Attachment of Earnings, calculation of holiday pay, leavers pay, bonuses and the provision of payslips. All forms and returns required by HMRC for Real Time Information will be submitted within the Revenue’s time constraints.


LBA Accountancy can provide you with processing invoices, performing bank reconciliations and keeping your records in order.

LBA Accountancy can provide you with a leading online cloud based package that is readily accessible wherever you go.

Corporation Tax Returns

LBA Accountancy can help you with preparing your corporation tax return, help tag your financial statements with iXBRL, as well reminding you when your payments are due to avoid any interest or penalties.

Self-Assessment Tax Returns

LBA Accountancy can help you with preparing your self-assessment tax return as well reminding you when your payments are due to avoid any interest or penalties.


For help with any of your accountancy and tax needs, please get in touch. We are also offering free initial consultations.